Category: Who
Part of the fun of Night Ops is the opportunity for adult volunteers to help man the different stations. Without volunteers, this event is not possible. As such, we strongly encourage adults to assist, but we understand the need for well-rested adults for safe driving. The more adults we have, the quicker the event will progress.
Category: Who

Short answer – yes. For both safety reasons and respect for the other patrols participating, all patrols should do their best to stay until after the award ceremony. No one will be allowed to leave during the night unless for an emergency reason.

Category: Who

No. Adults must be fully registered with Trail Life or AHG (depending on which weekend they are attending) which means that you have passed the background check and completed the youth protection training. All youth must be a registered member of Trail Life or AHG (depending on which weekend they are attending). Non-participating registered youth are discouraged but allowed; they cost the same as adults ($10 each). Special cases may be allowed but you must make a direct request prior to the event as we must request permission from TLUSA. Any individual who shows up and can not show proof of registration status will not be allowed through the gate. Period. This includes parents dropping off their registered youth.

Category: Who

Yes. We have had several registered adult members attend to get an understanding for what Night Ops is and how it is run so that they can either run their own event /or/ get their youth excited for next year.

Category: Who

If you contact us with enough lead time, we can put out a request to other troops who are attending to see if we can merge your youth into another patrol. No guarantees.

Category: Who

On their designated weekends, any registered Trail Life and AHG youth ages 11+ are invited to participate with their patrol with their registered adult members helping out by manning a station during the night. Non-participating, registered youth are allowed to camp out with their troop but must have adequate registered adult supervision during the night. **Please limit non-participating youth; only youth who must come with a participating sibling /adult are allowed.

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